(Full English Speech) A Vocational Virtues Framework for Ethical Professional Practice

May 08, 2023

Abstract: The Vocational Virtues Project seeks to understand and advance ethical culture in professional settings through the novel lens of vocational virtue theory. Professional ethics has most often been conceptualized within a deontological ethical framework that emphasizes rights, responsibilities, and rule-following. This is important but incomplete. Virtue theory, on the other hand, focuses on agents’ moral character, conceived as a settled set of dispositions that motivate and guide action, and the circumstances that contribute to its cultivation and expression. Having a good character makes it more likely that an agent will make good decisions and act accordingly. Character is developed by modeling and habituating appropriate dispositions—the virtues. This presentation will discuss the theoretical and evidential basis of this approach and describe how it can help improve responsible conduct training not only for the sciences but for other disciplined practices.

  • Speaker: Robert T. Pennock, Ph.D. (University Distinguished Professor / Michigan State University)
  • Topic: A Vocational Virtues Framework for Ethical Professional Practice (Full English Speech)
  • Date & Time: 9:00-11:00 (UTC+8), Friday, May 12, 2023
  • Venue: Online Lecture (Webex Meetings)
  • Target: Online registration is open for those who are interested in this topic
  • Maximum number of participants: 500 participants
  • Registration URL: https://forms.gle/zn27ersXGzV1GDT76
  • Registration period: until 8:00 on May 12, 2023
  • Note:
  1. Participation in the event is free of charge. Participants with full attendance will receive a certificate of completion for 2 hours from AREE. Those who are late or leave early will not be granted part of the hours. The certificate will be issued within two weeks after the event.
  2. For those who have completed the online registration, AREE will send the Webex URL and sign-in & out link to the e-mail address you filled in when you registered before 8:30 on May 12 (Fri).
  3. On the day of the event, the two procedures of “online sign-in” and “online sign-out” must be completed. If the information on the two is correct and consistent, AREE will send the PDF file of the certificate of completion to your email address before May 26 (Fri).
  4. If there is any system problem with “online sign-in” or “online sign-out”, which prevents you from submitting the information, please send your name and email address to the coordinator’s mailbox during the opening time.
  • Inquiry: If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Mr. Tsai, e-mail: jeff@nycu.edu.tw; or AREE’s Customer Service, e-mail: aree_service@nycu.edu.tw
  • Advisory & Sponsoring Organization: Ministry of Education
  • Organizer: Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education
  • Co-organizer: Taiwan Association for Academic Ethics Education & Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University






Online Sign-in


Opening Ceremony


【A Vocational Virtues Framework for Ethical Professional Practice】

Robert T. Pennock, Ph.D.

University Distinguished Professor / Michigan State University


Online Sign-out
